
Clean Hydrogen Partnership launches €184.5m call for proposal to boost European supply chain

The Clean Hydrogen Partnership has launched its 2025 Call for Proposals under the Horizon Europe programme, with a budget of €184.5m ($190m).

Entering its technology upscaling phase, the partnership will fund projects to achieve cost-effective green hydrogen production, develop hydrogen storage solutions or deliver reliable and scalable fuel cell systems for heavy-duty vehicles and maritime applications.

Up to €80m will be allocated to the Hydrogen Valleys initiative; €40m ($41.2m) for renewable hydrogen production; €16m ($16.4m) for hydrogen storage and distribution; €17m ($17.5m) for transport applications; €5m ($5.2m) for heat and power; and €6.5m ($6.7m) for cross-cutting activities.

Applications are to be submitted via the EU’s Funding and Tenders portal by April 23, 2025.

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