© Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock
© Alexandros Michailidis/Shutterstock

EU climate chief vows to tighten EHB rules amid cheap Chinese electrolyser influx

The next European Hydrogen Bank (EHB) auction will have “explicit criteria” to support domestic electrolyser supply chains, according to the EU’s head of climate policy, in response to concerns over the influx of cheaper Chinese imports.

EU Climate Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra, told an event at Eindhoven University of Technology, that he would ensure the second EHB auction was “different” to the first, which saw less than half of the available funds awarded to projects using non-EU technology.

Whilst saying European electrolysers had a “good presence” in the pilot auction, Hoekstra added, “China is now oversupplying them at ever-lower costs.”

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