The Clean Industrial Deal aims to tackle permitting issues and red tape
The Clean Industrial Deal aims to tackle permitting issues and red tape

Europe Clean Industrial Deal to launch in February

The European Commission will launch the Clean Industrial Deal in February in a bid to tackle permitting delays and red tape among hard-to-abate and new tech industries.

Speaking at Davos, Wopke Hoekstra, Commissioner for Climate, Net Zero and Clean Growth, European Commission, said a major challenge is bridging climate action with competitiveness.

“One of the key things we need to do is further enhance our competitiveness and make sure that decarbonisation is a  growth strategy,” he said. “So that means focusing on two sectors. Firstly, heavy industry and difficult-to-abate, which is pivotal to the success of our continent, and as important, are the ‘new kids on the block’, the tech companies that have huge demand and are in dire need of shorter permitting periods and way less red tape, and making sure standardisation is being applied across member states.

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