© GLS Germany
© GLS Germany

Hydrogen-powered Hyundai truck completes over 100,000 deliveries in Germany

An Allison Transmission-equipped hydrogen-powered Hyundai Motor fuel cell truck has delivered over 100,000 packages for GLS Germany since late 2023.

The 6×2 XCIENT’s 350kW electric motor is coupled with an Allison 400 Series fully automatic transmission and is powered by a 180kW hydrogen fuel cell system.

The delivery company deployed the fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV) in the greater Cologne area and used them on long-distance trips between the city and Mannheim, transporting up to 1,300 parcels per trip.

Allison’s converter is expected to multiply the drive motor’s torque at startup, allowing the XCIENT to operate with a smaller and less powerful drive motor to therefore maximise the range and efficiency to reduce costs.

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