PEMC facility © University of Nottingham
PEMC facility © University of Nottingham

University of Nottingham launches £5.3m hydrogen propulsion initiative

The University of Nottingham has begun a £5.3m ($6.7m) research programme exploring the development, manufacture and test of a cryogenic hydrogen-electric propulsion system.

The Hy2FlyGHT initiative is expected to develop a 2MW aviation system suited for larger sustainable aircraft. H2 View understands the project will demonstrate an integrated propulsion system that encompasses fuel cell power generation, cryogenic power distribution and advanced cryogenic drive systems.

The plans are part of GKN Aerospace’s £44m ($55.8m) aviation project, partnered with Parker Meggitt and the Universities of Manchester and Nottingham, and supported through the UK Government’s Aerospace Technology Institute (ATI) programme.

Read more:GKN Aerospace to develop 2MW liquid hydrogen propulsion system

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