
Positioning Hydrogen 2023: The 3rd Global Hydrogen Energy Meet

Positioning Hydrogen 2023, the 3rd Global Hydrogen Energy Meet, scheduled for October 16–18 in Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia, is a must-attend hydrogen technology event and exhibition in 2023. The conference will bring together participants from the entire hydrogen value chain with the goal of exhibiting solutions and innovations for low-carbon hydrogen production, efficient storage and distribution, safety and emergency services, and applications in a wide range of industries. Industrial experts and decision makers from around the world will talk about and show off the latest technologies, engineering solutions, and future trends.

As the world’s largest economies benefit from implementing hydrogen strategies, global markets are capitalising on hydrogen’s momentum to decide where to invest in hydrogen projects. The enthusiasm encompassing hydrogen is being tapped by global market and industry leaders to influence policy, discourse, and the energy landscape.

Hydrogen is predicted to generate $700 billion in investment by 2030 in order to meet global requirements. The investment roadmap, on the other hand, remains foggy. Uncertain policies and frameworks, the supply-and-demand dilemma, financing ambiguity, and a lack of infrastructure all impede the growth of the global clean hydrogen economy.

The only way to address these issues is through open collaboration and knowledge exchange. The Positioning Hydrogen 2023 conference and exhibition brings together global leaders from the public and private sectors, ranging from energy producers and off-takers to financiers, technology providers, and policymakers, all with one goal in mind: to transition hydrogen from pilot to full-scale bankable projects.

Energy Oceania 2023 will be held concurrently and will embrace high-level plenary presentations, specialised workshops, trainings, concurrent guest lecture sessions, debate panels, and poster presentations. The event will cover all elements of energy research, from the basics of physics to the engineering of energy production, storage, and transport, as well as economics, regulations, and safety as they pertain to a future hydrogen economy.

Melbourne, Australia
27-29th November 2023
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