
H2 Review

The View on 2025

A definitive guide to the policy, technologies, stakeholders and ecosystem levers making hydrogen happen in 2024-25.

H2 Review is our annual product from the H2 View team, providing you with the status of the green hydrogen economy in 2024, the forecast for future build-out and growth, and the technical toolkit to realise it.

A must-read guide for current and future stakeholders alike, H2 Review includes:

  • Business intelligence and market reports
  • Wider ecosystem view (supply chains and renewables build-out
  • Dedicated Policy Pillar updates from around the world
  • Technology developments across hydrogen production, storage, transport and use
  • Innovator profiles – the companies and technologies making hydrogen happen

Why sponsor or showcase your company in H2 Review?

Building on H2 View’s outstanding expertise in publishing and providing the only global monthly magazine for the hydrogen sector (along with reaching out and listening to our readers), the new H2 Review annual takes that knowledge sharing and desire to the next level with more technical content and market reports than ever before.

In addition, H2 Review will tap into new audiences and fulfil previously unmet needs:

  • Distribution targeting the ‘corridors of power’ in regional governments, as well as procurement decision-makers
  • Focus on reaches researchers, technology innovators and project developers
  • Distribution among various regional association members to maximise its footprint in the hydrogen community

….but that’s not all! Further benefits for sponsors and promotional partners include:

  • 12-month shelf-life in print for contributors and advertisers
  • Pillar sponsors secure guest columnist contribution for publication (optional)
  • Association/academic partners secure technical article or related report for publication (optional)

Don’t miss your opportunity to be seen with the definitive global guide to the green hydrogen business in 2025!


New for 2025

H2 Review’s Company Profiles – an exclusive feature designed for industry leaders. This is your chance to stand out with a bespoke profile showcasing your logo, company name, and a compelling 100-word pitch that tells your story. It’s about being seen by people in your industry. 

Advertising opportunities

Choose from our 5 dedicated categories to advertise in:

  • Mobility
  • Power
  • Technology
  • Policy
  • Ecosystem

390 x 278mm Measurement includes 3mm bleed

198 x 278mm Measurement includes 3mm bleed

172 x 115mm Measurement includes 3mm bleed

84 x 247mm Measurement includes 3mm bleed


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