
China’s Hygreen Energy invests $2.2bn into Spanish green hydrogen project

Hygreen Energy has announced it will invest up to €2bn ($2.2bn) into a green hydrogen production project in the Andalusian region of Spain.

Additionally, the Chinese electrolyser producer will manufacture and develop its technology in the region, as part of a deal with the Spanish firm Coxabengoa.

Coxabengoa plans to develop two hydrogen projects, one in Málaga for component manufacturing and another in Huelva for green hydrogen production, which will receive Hygreen’s investment. The President of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Juanma Moreno, said, “This is a key commitment to Andalusia and an important step in a strategic sector.”

The Andalusian region has ambitions to become a leader in green hydrogen across Europe and Spain, utilising its abundant wind and solar potential.

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