HD KSOE’s liquid hydrogen carrier vessel secures AiP from DNV
DNV has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering’s (KSOE) CBM electric propulsion liquefied hydrogen carrier.
DNV has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering’s (KSOE) CBM electric propulsion liquefied hydrogen carrier.
Alfa Laval has secured an Approval in Principle (AiP) from DNV for its Gas Combustion Unit (GCU) boil-off technology concept designed for liquid hydrogen carriers.
Worcester Bosch has agreed to alter its marketing practices, after claiming its boilers were “hydrogen-blend ready” despite most on the market being hydrogen-capable.
H2 View understands that RINA has issued two certifications for Saipem’s plans for subsea hydrogen pipelines.
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines will participate in a demonstration flight using ZeroAvia’s hydrogen-electric engine equipped to a large regional turboprop.
Yanmar Energy Systems has commercialised its compact hydrogen PEM fuel cell system and will begin accepting orders in Japan in September (2024).
Sydrogen Energy will enter a 250kW hydrogen fuel cell into the maritime market in 2025, following an exclusive agreement with Shanghai Hydrogen Propulsion Technology (SHPT).
VINSSEN has received project-based approval from Bureau Veritas (BV) for its hydrogen fuel cell system designed for use onboard maritime applications.
Hyfluence Systems will deliver hydrogen refuelling infrastructure to Lewis County Transit to support the initial deployment of hydrogen-powered buses.
The deployment of compressed natural gas (CNG) vehicles can help bridge the gap to hydrogen-powered mobility, a H2 View webinar has heard.