
Global Edition | Issue | Publication Issue 37 Stories published in March 2023

H2 View – Issue #37 mock up

It’s shaping up to be an interesting year in hydrogen. A year of collaboration and investment; a year of delivery, for many. There’s little doubt about the momentum behind hydrogen right now and indeed, over the past year, boosted by policy such as the Inflation Reduction Act in the US and the scramble to clearly define clean hydrogen in Europe. In China, where arguably the biggest green hydrogen capacity will need to be builtout, we’ve also seen the arrival of a national hydrogen strategy last year.

Video: “If we’re going to save this planet, we need to address these things”

H2 View’s Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, discusses hydrogen fuel cells and electrolysers, and questions, what’s stopping us moving to huge scale? Policy, investment, lack of collaboration, or something else?

Video: “It’s absolute madness”

H2 View’s Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, discusses the amount of wasted wind and solar resource, calling the current situation “absolute madness” and questioning why we are paying huge sums of money to dispose of...

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