

H2 View – Issue #44

Welcome to our special road and rail issue which is packed with news, interviews and trends in the ever-accelerating mobility space. There can be a tendency to see these vast industries in silos but I...

H2 View – Issue #43

Amid the many complexities surrounding hydrogen technology and production, we can be assured that electrolysers will be key to the industry’s development. While IEA data points to PEM having the edge over alkaline, it’s clear...

H2 View – Issue #42

At a time when everyone is grappling with the magnitude of decarbonisation, it is understandable why more attention is turning to microgrids. Announcements on major international pipelines and electricity interconnectors may grab the headlines but...

H2 View – Issue #41

Leafing through a shipping magazine I worked on in the 1990s I was surprised how many issues, such as regulatory challenges, rate pressures and even lorry queues at Dover, remain pertinent today. It’s a reminder...

H2 View – Issue #40

In the grand sweep of hydrogen development, hydrogen refuelling stations (HRS) tend to be down the pecking order when it comes to announcements on production, policy and power. But in the infrastructure stakes, HRS is...

H2 View – Issue #39

I t seems appropriate that my first magazine as H2 View Editor should focus on industrial applications. For all the momentum behind renweables, hydrogen’s usage remains dominated by industry – namely oil refining, ammonia, methanol...

H2 View – Issue #38

Hello and welcome to the April 2023 issue of H2 View. Last month I described how it’s shaping up to be an interesting year in hydrogen. A year of collaboration and investment; a year of...

H2 View – Issue #37

It’s shaping up to be an interesting year in hydrogen. A year of collaboration and investment; a year of delivery, for many. There’s little doubt about the momentum behind hydrogen right now and indeed, over...

H2 View – Issue #36

At a time when energy security has been at the forefront like never before, when the emphasis has been on expediting the necessary shift away from fossil fuels, and we face the twin concerns of...

H2 View – Issue #35

Hello and welcome to our January 2023 issue of H2 View magazine – and if it isn’t too late to do so by the time you read this, then please allow me to wish you...

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