

Video: Q1 Editor’s Picks 2023

Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, runs through his top three stories for the first quarter. Picks include; The European Commission’s roadmap for its proposed Net Zero Industry Act; a ‘game-changing’ finding for hydrogen production; and...

Video: “If we’re going to save this planet, we need to address these things”

H2 View’s Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, discusses hydrogen fuel cells and electrolysers, and questions, what’s stopping us moving to huge scale? Policy, investment, lack of collaboration, or something else?

Video: “It’s absolute madness”

H2 View’s Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, discusses the amount of wasted wind and solar resource, calling the current situation “absolute madness” and questioning why we are paying huge sums of money to dispose of...

Video: “I just don’t understand why there isn’t more backing for hydrogen boilers”

H2 View’s Global Content Director, Rob Cockerill, discusses hydrogen boilers and questions why there is not more backing for them.

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