

Exclusive interview with Ad Astra

As a country which produces nearly 100% of its electrical energy with renewable sources, and a decarbonisation goal to achieve by 2050, Costa Rica is definitely well positioned to develop its hydrogen sector.

Toyota: Bullish on hydrogen

“We would be able to sell many more vehicles if the build-out of the infrastructure was happening at a quicker pace,” says Toyota North America’s Nathan Kokes in an exclusive interview with H2 View’s Rob...

Exclusive: FCS&EE review

Last week the 43rd Fuel Cell Seminar & Energy Exposition (FCS&EE) took place at the Long Beach Convention Centre, hosting over 600 attendees from more than 30 countries.

PDC Machines: laser focused on the mobility need

Founded in 1977, PDC Machines is regarded as a trusted partner by leading gas and chemical producers worldwide. From its base in Warminster, Pennsylvania, the company designs and manufacturers diaphragm compressors engineered for ultra-high purity compression...

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