Oman to set up Net Zero Centre
Oman is to set up a Net Zero Centre to monitor the implementation of projects and provide technical support as it strives to meet its goal of zero neutrality by 2050.
Oman is to set up a Net Zero Centre to monitor the implementation of projects and provide technical support as it strives to meet its goal of zero neutrality by 2050.
Nathan Snoke, Global Hydrogen Account Manager at Halliburton, tells H2 View, how he hopes to see both hydrogen and Halliburton “achieve widespread global adoption of underground hydrogen storage.”
Safe, efficient, and cost-effective storage systems are essential for managing supply and demand, enabling the use of hydrogen in remote areas, and supporting seasonal energy storage, which can be particularly valuable with growing variable renewable...
Green Energy Park (GEP) has been recognised as a priority under the EU’s Climate and Energy category, labelling its project in Brazil as a “Global Gateway.”
Switzerland’s national hydrogen strategy anticipates a rise in domestic hydrogen demand starting in 2035, driven by the expected decline in import costs.
Tenaris and energy infrastructure joint venture (JV) IGI Poseidon have partnered to work on transporting hydrogen through ultra-deep offshore pipelines.
SPONSORED CONTENT: Sealing technologies are indispensable at every stage of the hydrogen value chain, writes Freudenberg Sealing Technologies.
Gasunie has pushed back the completion of the Dutch hydrogen network by three years to 2033, citing permitting and personnel challenges.
“The Board and management team are resolute in their focus on improving JM’s share price performance and recognise the need to restore shareholder returns. JM is fully committed to driving enhanced performance, higher cash flow...
Effective, cheap and safe hydrogen storage technologies are critical to underpinning the success of the energy carrier. Typically, hydrogen is stored in its gaseous form, in high-pressure cylinders, supercooled into its liquid form or stored...